Quarriors! Wiki

Growth Card

Dice Rolls[]

As you can see from Growth's Dice Rolls, it gives you one chance for +1 Quiddity, two chances for +2 Quiddity, and three chances to activate Growth's special Ability.


Growth Dice Rolls


Growth Spell
Cost 4
Description Immediate: Gain 2 Quiddity. Draw and roll 1 die.

Growth Cantrip
Cost 3
Description Immediate: Gain 2 Quiddity. You may capture 1 addition Quarry die this turn.

Growth Charm
Cost 5
Description Cast this spell to gain 3 Quiddity.

Growth Incantation
Cost 5
Description Immediate: Gain 2 Quiddity. You may re-roll any 2 other dice.